Wednesday, October 30, 2013

A Day Worth Celebrating

Today has been a good day. 

It has been productive. Rewarding. And filled with laughter. 

It is rare to find all of those in one day, so thankful for that gift. 

I shared a lot of laughter with these lovely co-workers in the Kingdom. 

On a whim I decided to go by the driver's license office and see what the process is for getting a license. As you know, everything is a process that takes time. I walked out the door two hours later with my very own Ghanaian driver's license and some new friends! 

I was able to share the word of God with some women at church tonight. It was a blessing to be reminded that Jesus truly is the bread of life. There is no hunger or thirst He has not already fulfilled. 

Sweet Abigail could not identify all of her letters and sounds two months ago. Tonight she walked up to me and said "Momma Courtney, listen. Z-e-r-o, zero, o-n-e, one" ... all the way to ten! 

And this was tonight's sunset. 

I find it difficult to explain the great work of God that has transpired over the past three months. Maybe a snapshot of today is a good start. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

A Day in the Life

Here's a few snapshots of life at the Pearl House ... 

 We like to relax with a movie every once in a while.

We are learning all about God, Math and Reading.

And we love to draw!

Monday, August 5, 2013

A House Full

Life in the northern part of Ghana is brutal. Resources are few and far between. Jobs do not exist. Each day is a struggle to grow enough food for your family to eat with a little left over to sell. Left on its’ own this cycle ends in one of two ways for young Ghanaian women. The first is that the girl is given away in marriage at a young age and starts having babies, thus the cycle starts all over again. The other alternative is that the girls in the family are sent to Accra. They go to the city, sleep on the streets and work during the day. They make enough money to survive each day and send a little back home to their families. Life will turn out this way for each every one of them …. Unless.

Unless something interrupts their story.

Unless something breaks the cycle of poverty.

On July 13th at 7:28pm, a vanload of 11 girls pulled into the driveway of the Pearl House. Two weeks later, on July 28th 10 more arrived.

Each girl brings her own story full of heartache and joy, family triumph and shame. They are from different villages and tribes. They speak more dialects than I can count. They all have one thing in common, poverty.  None of them have a father at home, most of their fathers have passed away. Most of the girls have 9 to 12 siblings in their family. The girls would wake up at 4am to work on the farm, go to school and then back to work on the farm until the sun goes down. The evening was filled with more chores and homework. Most have never slept on a mattress before. Only one had electricity before coming here. Most had to go and fetch buckets full of water each day. Their legs are covered in boils. They are underweight and malnourished. This is their story.

Now they wake up each morning on a mattress and wrapped in a sheet. They take a bath in water from the tap. They eat 3 balanced meals a day. They have clean clothes to wear. They are receiving an education, tutoring and emotional support every day. They are experiencing the love of God on a daily basis. They are learning how to be a Ghanaian woman. They are learning how to be a daughter of God.

They have great value in God’s Kingdom.

They are worth a great price.

They are Pearls.  

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Movin' on Down the Line

The past couple of weeks at the Pearl House have been going well. We are getting closer to kicking things off day by day. 

We have had our first few visitors come by already. On Tuesday, June 25th a mission team from White Station Church of Christ came to work on the house for a few hours. They cleaned, put together fans, set up appliances and bunk beds. They got a lot done and it was a blessing to see my Memphis family here in my new home. 

Then, on Thursday, June 27th a mission team from Harpeth Hills Church of Christ in Nashville, TN came by. In just a few months of working with this church I have been blessed and encouraged beyond belief. I am so thankful and humbled to be counted as one of their missionaries. The team put sheets on the beds, washed dishes and put together some furniture. I am so thankful they got to come by to visit, serve and pray. 

We also have our intern here with us now. Clara Brown just completed high school and comes to us from Tulsa, OK. She will be here with us through December. I can already tell she was sent here by God. Laura Myers, a sophomore at UT from Memphis is also here with us for two weeks. It has been so good to have these girls around. They have helped with the work and been an encouragement to me. 

And now for what you really want to know. The girls. This is an ever-evolving situation. We have been working with some girls from a market in Accra for several months now. I think we have built up their trust in us, but there are still a lot of other factors that cause them to hesitate in their commitment to coming to the house. We are ready to get things started, so we are pursuing other options for girls. There are plenty of girls that need assistance, so we are going to move down that path. These girls we have been working with may come around, and if they do we will take them when there is room. Until then, we are finding some new girls. I'll tell you more about them and their stories very soon. They should be arriving anytime over the next couple of days. Please pray for the girls as they transition. Pray for the staff as we work with them. And pray God's wisdom and understanding for us all. 

Thank you for your love, prayers and support. It is humbling when I sit and think about how many people are prayerfully invested in this project. May God be glorified in every step along the way. 

Friday, June 21, 2013

No Shaking

What I had planned today:
9:30 get picked up and go to the bank
9:45 get a receipt for the transfer of money due for our rent
11 meet with the lawyer, sign the lease, get keys
1pm take one load of furniture to Winneba and get back in time for church

What happened today: 
8am read Jesus Calling with the theme God lives outside of time .... Uh oh
10:45 my ride to the bank and lawyer shows up
12:10 arrive at lawyer's office, he's gone to the meeting he had scheduled at noon
12:45 receive a text from someone in Memphis that is praying for me
1:15 meet with the lawyer and then plead with the homeowner to give us house keys. Because tomorrow is the only day I have a truck 
2 homeowner agrees, lawyer prints and signs lease
3:45 get additional letter required for the money transfer typed and signed
4:30 arrive at bank after closing, security guard recognizes bishop, lets us in. See manager, hand over paperwork, transfer will be done. 

Most days here don't go according to plan. Your choices are to not make a plan, which usually results in getting nothing done, or to make a plan with full knowledge that it will change. Most days I am completely fine with adjusting along the way. Some days it is incredibly difficult. Today I was frustrated and fighting back tears from about 10am to 1pm. All I want is keys to the house. I'm ready to make a home for these sweet girls. By Gods grace it is almost done. Tomorrow morning I plan to meet the lawyer at the house. We will inspect the house and he will hand over the keys. We'll see what happens!

On the way home from the bank I was talking to bishop about a project he is working on. He said "life has never been handed to me on a silver platter, I know how to struggle. But in the end God always wins." ...I told him that my silver platters must be in in the luggage lost and found somewhere between here and the USA. 

So I am learning. I am learning what it means to rely on God in the big and the small. I am learning how to fight to get things done. I am learning when to fight and when to trust. I am learning just how powerful it is to have people all over the world praying for you. 

There will be "go slows" along the way. (That's what they call light traffic) but I am learning that in Christ, there's "no shaking". No need to get stressed out, I know who holds the future. Jehovah has the final say!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Miracles Happen Every Day

In my last post I asked you to pray that God would work things out for us to meet with the family members of all 6 girls. I said it would be a miracle. I asked you to pray and to believe. 

Thank you. Thank you for praying. And thank you for believing. Yesterday we met with aunts, an uncle and older sisters of the girls. All the girls and the guardians were there. They gave consent for their girls to enter a Christian facility. It took no convincing. They were ready and they were excited. I have many more stories to share, but for now I will just say thank you. 

We hope to move furniture into the house this weekend and get things all set up next week. Then we hope to bring the girls to their new home very soon. Continue in prayer to the Mighty One who can do all things!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Zero to Sixty

I started out this week with a list and with some determination. Y'all know the power of a list in my hands, right? Well, it seems that the processes of Africa are enough to defeat my list-fulfillment abilities.  But, by God's grace we are making progress this week!!! Here's a rundown .... 

Hired a house mom! A talented lady named Tina, we'll give her a proper and full introduction before too much longer. 

NGO Registration paperwork is turned in and we are waiting for a response. 

Stopped by the National Vocational Training Institute office to find out requirements and the registration process. Went to several other social welfare and NGO offices to find out if they have records on the street girls. There aren't any that we can find. Learned where a lot of different government businesses in Accra are. 

The house. The house has been undergoing repairs, and they are almost done. They should finish up tomorrow!!! It is a beautiful house and I am so excited for it to soon be a home!! Pictures a plenty will be coming soon. I've ordered lots of beautiful furniture this week too. 

Got consent forms ready to go. Met with 3 of the girls today to tell them it's time to start talking to their family and getting permission. We hope to meet with all 6 girls and representative family members to get their consent on Sunday. It will be a miracle to accomplish this goal in one day. So pray for it and believe it - God can do it! 

I'm so very thankful for all of these things. It took me a while to figure out how to move things along in this system. I'm starting to learn. One necessary thing is transportation. I thank God every day for our partnership with Maranatha Church here in Accra. This would not have been possible without their wisdom, prayers and support. They have provided me with transportation for all of these crazy errands. We are going to miss that tremendously once we are out in Winneba. So if anyone has an extra vehicle they want to ship to Ghana, let me know!! 

What's next? Signing the lease, consent from the girls' families, buy appliances,etc. and move in!!!

I'm hoping to be in the house with the girls by July 1st. Pray God continues to clear the path and make a way. Pray for God to continue His work of preparation in me. Pray God's protection over the girls and pray He will give us favor with their families. 

That's the quick rundown, I know everyone was ready for an update. Thank you for the prayers and encouragement. God is alive and moving in the big and the small.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Everything Changes

I've been in Ghana almost a month now. 
There's a whole lot I don't know. 
Here's what I do know ...

Things that have changed: 
I eat fruit everyday. 
I have had about 5 cokes in the last month. (Rather than 5 a day)
I believe in the power of prayer more than ever before. God wants us to believe He can do great things. He can surprise us ... Daily
I go to bed at 10, or before if possible. 
I have mastered the "expert" level of sudoku. 

Things that haven't changed: 
Africa is hot. 
My rhythm, or lack thereof. 
My inability to remember vocabulary in a new language. 
Friends, family and their incredible support. 

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Back to Life, Back to Reality

I live in Ghana now. This truth settles in on varying levels each day. While there have definitely been moments of uncertainty and heightened nerves, I have felt strangely peaceful since arriving. I can feel the prayers of you and so many others physically holding me together. It is like God has me wrapped up in a protective blanket of truth and love. Thank you.

Since my arrival on Thursday I have been staying in a beautiful home in the capital city of Accra. The church I am working with has guests often, so they have this house available for that need. I have plenty to eat, a nice big bed and air conditioning in my room. I’m being spoiled! I will be staying here until the Pearl House is ready for occupancy.

If you have been to Africa before, you know this fact:  Plans change. You can never get too attached to any one course of action. I am so thankful to have been here enough to not be surprised by that reality. It’s actually one of the things I love about being here. It is impossible to forget that it is the Lord who holds the future and any thoughts of control are an illusion. That being said, the houses we had previously rented are likely not going to be our best option. We have found another house we would like to rent and are in the process of negotiations. Please pray that will go well and that the Lord will work it all out. Once we get the house rented, we will need to fix it up, clean it up and buy some furniture. 

In the meantime, I have opened a bank account, taught at church, read books and have met with church members concerning Pearl House preparations. While my pace has slowed quite a bit since leaving the US, a lot is still being done. I can’t decide if this is like the intertestamental period or the calm before the storm. Whatever it is, I am peaceful and thankful. Every day is a gift from the Lord.
Pray for the house rental negotiations to go smoothly, pray for the girls on the street and the selection process, pray for our preparations. There is much to do; may it all be in God's hands.

Monday, April 8, 2013


When do you leave? My flight takes off May 15th. I’ll leave from Memphis, go through Atlanta, then NYC and finally off to Ghana!

How long are you staying? When I moved to Memphis, I came committed to a new ministry, but did not know how long I would last in a big city far from home. Twelve years later, my heart is breaking during the process of leaving such a wonderful place. I am going into this ministry with the same mindset. I am excited to join God’s work in Ghana. I will stay there until He leads me elsewhere through circumstances or changed passions.

Will you have electricity and running water?  Praise the Lord - YES!

Who is going with you? … It’s just me and God! I have an incredible support system of friends and ministry partners here in the US. Steve Bullard, Courtney Bullard and Jeff Woodard are working 24/7 to get this project off the ground. Likewise, I am partnering with a church in Ghana that has the same, if not more intense, willingness to work for the Lord with all their heart mind and strength. I am surrounded by wonderful people on both sides of the ocean, I just happen to be the only one crossing it.

 How can I help? Help is needed in any and every way right now. Here are a few examples:
1. Pray - Pray for the girls. Pray for me. Pray for funding. Pray for all the people working together to make this happen, that the Lord will keep us united for His purposes.
2. Share - Share this blog, our facebook page, our website, our campaigns and above all, God's story. Share it with your friends and family. Share it on facebook, your blog, your twitter or a billboard! 
3. Give
50 for 50 - An opportunity for youth groups to raise $1000 or more to fund our startup costs. 
House to Home - This campaign just kicked off and there's plenty left on our registry available for purchase. 
Ministry partners - We are always on the lookout for churches and individuals that want to partner with this ministry by lending your passions, finances or presence. 
You can find all kinds of info on our website at
Thanks for the questions and thanks for caring! 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Letting Go

This weekend I had a moving sale. The doors were opened to the city and price tags were put on pretty much everything in the house. This process surfaced a surprising array of emotions - greed, joy, panic, and thankfully freedom. By God's good grace the feeling of freedom won out over the others. I have never been more free to travel. If you subtract the stuff that will be babysat by dear friends and family, my belongings currently fit in one room.

I spent the day releasing things precious to me.  Through this process I realized that my sentimental attachments were mine and mine alone. For instance, as a woman was purchasing a dress, I said "That's from Liberia!" with excitement, to which she replied, "Is it still $1?"  I said good-bye to the red jacket that the buyer clearly did not know how to wear. The Pier One salt and pepper shakers that I waited to find on clearance for months were gone in the blink of an eye. The stories of letting go filled my day, each a bit easier than the previous. 

But Wanda was the story of the day, the story I'll remember forever. 

Twelve years ago a friend of mine died as a result of a skiing accident. This was my first time to experience loss like that and it was a difficult journey for me personally. At the time I was given a stuffed bear praying on his knees and it has always been special to me relative to that loss.  After some debate I decided it was time to let go of the bear, and I put him up for sale this weekend. A lady named Wanda picked him up with some other things from the sale. As she was paying for her purchases she asked about where I was going, and what I was going to be doing. I told her all about the Pearl House. Once I finished, she picked up the bear, gave him back to me and asked me to give him to one of the girls that we will be helping. She then proceeded to get out the rest of her cash ($115) and hand it to me. With a hug and a "God bless you" she walked out of the house. 

Thank you, God, for using that moving sale day to set me free from my stuff and for using Wanda to remind me that I will never out-give you!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Room at the Red Roof Inn

One of the questions I am most often asked is "where will you be staying"?

While visiting Ghana in January we looked at a few different rental properties. It was a unanimous decision to choose this property just up the road (couple hundred yards?) from where the Pearl House will be built. There is a concrete wall surrounding 3 houses that have 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms each. We plan to rent 2 or 3 of the houses, meaning that we have a capacity of 8 girls until our permanent facility is built. Thankfully, we will also have access to running water and electricity.

This is the front of one of the houses. The open area on the right is the living room area. The barred window to the left is the front bedroom and bathroom. Down the hallway is another bathroom, bedroom and kitchen area. Hopefully construction has continued since we left. If so, they should be all finished up by the time I arrive in May.

It is exciting to look at this picture and dream about the healing and restoration God will bring about in the lives of young Ghanaian women in this place. May it be so in Jesus Name!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

I Surrender All

I need you.
I surrender.

These words have been the first to go through my head upon waking each morning the past few weeks. Not because I am just that holy, but because I am just that desperate. I am painfully aware that I have no control over anything. If I make a plan, it is guaranteed to change. Most of the familiar will be fading away over the next few weeks – the house I come home to, the “stuff” that makes this house a home, the car I drive, the people I see regularly.

I’m caught somewhere between yesterday and tomorrow with very few certainties. The people in my daily life have a lot of questions. The answer to most of these is “I don’t know.” I find a small bit of sinister joy when others experience frustration over this … welcome to my world.

Today is where God has me, and today is always the best place to be. I am confident that the job ahead is more challenging than I can imagine. I am also confident that through desperate need and through surrender, I will find and experience God in ways I never even imagined before.

And my prayer is that some young teenage girls in Ghana will experience the same.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Life in General

The last few months have been quite the whirlwind. They have been full of holiday celebrations, a survey trip to Ghana, finishing up work at a church I dearly love and making preparations to move to another country!

The quick overview is that my time working at White Station in an official capacity is finished. I will always love this church and hope to continue calling it family for a long time to come.  This last week was full of generous expressions of love and kindness from the oldest to the youngest. At the end of this road I find myself overwhelmed with gratitude – to this church family and to God. What a blessing to share life with these believers here in Memphis.

I plan to spend most of March and April in Memphis or Maryville … with a little bit of Florida thrown in for good measure. My time will be filled with all the necessary preparations, Pearl House work and hopefully some rest. Sometime in mid-May I plan to hop on a plane and make my way to Ghana.Things are moving at a rapid pace with the Pearl House, so I hope to share some of those details as they come along. 

May the One who does immeasurably more than I can imagine be the one to make this dream a reality.