Thursday, August 28, 2014

Kingdom Weapons

Life is a roller coaster no matter where you live. There are sweet, wonderful times and there are challenging times. I am finding the same to be true here in Ghana. Most days are great and some of them are absolutely fantastic. Then there are those tough days, weeks or months. I knew those times would be difficult without longtime friends nearby for encouragement and support. In times of trial I often think about my dear friend and college roommate Sara who gained victory over death and has been rejoicing in Heaven for two years as of today. She lived her battle against cancer with such grace and Truth. 

Sara comes to mind often. With a new school year starting up, I love seeing pictures of people moving back onto campus and getting settled into their dorms. I think of the 3 years I was blessed to live and laugh with Sara. When I hear people talk about their college experiences I think of her with a smile. Recently someone at the house had no-bake cookies and I of course thought of her and my other post-college roommates as this was one of our four main food groups (puppy chow being a close second). Life lessons from Sara/The Little Rascals, often come to mind throughout the day. "Do you have a dollar? And how! What's mine is yours and what's yours is ours." I also think about the way thousands have been touched by the way she lived and died.

Hard times reveal a person's character. Will you stand up and fight or will you curl up in a ball and surrender? To be honest, I'd say we all have moments of both. Those of us following her fight against cancer were all inspired by Sara's courage and strength. But I am quite certain Sara also had her moments of wanting to quit the fight. 

Evil comes to us in different forms. There are the things outside of our control like cancer, natural disasters and accidents. Then there are the daily struggles like greed, lust, pride, envy, unbelief, selfishness ... the list goes on and on. From my experience in the USA, evil is usually pretty sneaky and I often did not notice it. 

Satan seems to use different tactics here in Ghana. It is very real. I would even venture to say it is tangible. Honestly, I have a hard time understanding and explaining it myself. God is doing a mighty work in the Pearl House and I am confident the enemy does not want to see it completed. At times it feels like satan has decided to set up camp outside of our house and throw every arrow imaginable. 

The terrain and the tactics may be different, but I praise God the weapon is the same. The weapon God has given us in warfare will always be His powerful and mighty Word. Those three powerful words "It is written" (Matthew 4:4) can fight most every battle against the enemy that we face.  From the time I met Sara to her very last days I have been challenged by her knowledge of God's word. Throughout her battle with cancer, her writings were full of scripture. She drew close to the heart of God through His Word and that gave her the strength to fight.

So my friends, in whatever battles we face today, may we face them with the knowledge that "in all things God works for the good of those who love him." (Rom 8:28) May we hold His powerful Word near to our hearts. And may we fully focus on Him as we seek to live faithfully and be found standing in Victory on that glorious day of His return. 

To learn more about Sara's story and the ongoing work of the Foundation in her honor, please go to