Saturday, November 10, 2012

Bits and Pieces from 2010

May 11, 2010
The past year has been such a journey of emotions regarding your calling on my life. I still love the students and feel like I am effective with that. I, however, do not know what to do with all my emotions surrounding Africa. I love orphans. I love Ghanaian culture. What I don’t know is if I love more than just the Ghanaian culture. What about Liberia? Togo? Tanzania? Kenya? Uganda?

What are you dreaming Lord? I want to dream your dreams and to live life in the river of your Kingdom. I want to be so caught up in your Kingdom desires that I get lost and there is only you that remain.

May 17th, 2010
I am so very thankful for every single day that I get to spend here in Ghana. It is exhausting because it takes me so long to go to sleep, but so worth it. Lord, I have no idea if I could do this long term or not. When I am weak I am strong in you, so maybe that would be the way to make it happen!

August 10th, 2010
I loved every moment in Ghana. I love those kids. God, I just don’t know how to tell if my feelings about Ghana are the same as everyone else’s or if they are special. Is it the same love everyone else has or is it you moving my heart somewhere else? If you are thinking about Africa or Ghana, what would/could I do? I would love to be a youth minister there, but I have much to learn culturally before that happens. I don’t know how to move off center where these emotions are concerned. I have had this conversation in my mind for a year now. I am fine with waiting. But I don’t want to wait out of fear of finding the truth.

August 29th, 2010
Thursday morning was coffee with Jim. That was a really good conversation – so filled with emotion again though. We talked about Africa a lot. My feelings and thoughts are all over the page, but it sounded like all of my “maybe nots” are just fears. God, I know it is more overwhelming than anything I can imagine, but I am really starting to think this is something I want to do and I feel like maybe you are leading me to do it. I don’t think it’s because I am tied of youth ministry or running away from something here. It is still scary to think about, but also exciting.

August 31st, 2010
Lord, I ask that you will prepare a place and a work for me in Africa. When the time comes, please give me courage to go. I am kind of astounded by those words, but I mean them. There, I said it.

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